Yes, I knew these weren't going to be good people going in but I couldn't get interested or invested.
It's all about small town politics in keeping or getting rid of the urban slums, The Fields, the nearby city has fostered on them. But why do I care? Why should I slog through this book?
It's not about the people living in the Fields. It's clear how horrible the people are to the inhabitants and will be if it stays but what if it goes to the city? Would it be better or worse? How can I (or anyone with any decency but whatever...) decide without knowing? It'd be a win for the elitist pricks but the city should have better resources, I hope? Could the people there pick which schools to go to maybe? But given the track record of cities...*sigh*
But no, it never crosses the minds of anyone. It's all about "principles" based on the stupidest things. It's like the one good guy (that's not so squeaky clean anyways) died and the town went down a level in hell.
And the passage about the middle class boy skipping class to slum it...ugh. Reminds me of Holden from Catcher in the Rye with all his talk of authenticity and I don't mean that in a good way.
Of course, I only made it to pg. 117. If it gets better, I dunno. I don't really care. Maybe I'll pick it up again if I'm in a "Hate myself and everyone sucks" mood.