Romance Schmomance
Written on Jan 17, 2014
The book pretty much picks up where it left off in the infamous cliffhanger that everyone just loves in the first book. Warning: expect the same for book 2, but of course, we must read on.
Oliva ... & .... Alexander. Lets begin this broken, beautiful, rather dramatic journey.
Olivia sticks with what she knows and starts to run ... again. Leaving Alexander in the dust. Foolish girl she was; I think I spent more time being mad than anything else. OK, I'm sorry but let the rambling begin.
Dear Olivia.
Why would you run away from the man you love, who you were extremely happy with, and be away and miserable?
- Disgruntled Malia
I never understood the logic "you're better off without me, so lets not be together and be miserable at the same time".
Even Alexander is a complete mess, but he is forever keeping track of her and hoping to find her. Well lets just say it's pretty hard for these two to be apart. Love always finds a way. And once we get there, it's a push ... and pulll ... and push some more ... more pulling and pushing. It's been a long time where I was furious at two main characters. And it's like this through the entire book, get it together people. You're killing us!
We basically have two miserable people who are DEEPLY in love with each other, and yes ... that's what we have.
Now lets throw in Cam ... ( I always get nervous when a third party is thrown in, they are the pot stirrers and I don't like it one bit). He becomes Olivia's friend during her "running" trip. It's clear what his intentions are, Olivia definitely isn't ready for anything else (come on, she's still in love Alexander, that's not changing), but she slowly takes strides with Cam (for some reason). And to be honest, it's not fair to Cam, Miss Olivia. He is not a tool to be used, my dear.
I know I seem to be talking more about Olivia, but Alex is no way an innocent bystander.
Dear Alexander.
Secrets DO NOT in a million years, make friends.
*shaking my head* Malia
My biggest pet peeve in all books that I read is when they keep stuff (pretty important ones) to themselves. And then it just burns them in the end ... I know you're a smart one mister, so you can't play dumb on that. I know it was a necessity for the story, but that doesn't mean I will ever like it!
I know the rating will be surprising, shoot it's just hard to confuse. I love the story, but not this book, does that make sense? I will say that this book will not be my favorite in the series because I definitely spent more time being mad at all the characters in this book, even Cam. Just because I didn't want him there .... ( I know, I know ... you can hate me for saying that). After reading the second one in this series, I'm looking at it as a whole until I can tame all my angry emotions with Olivia and Alexander. But I am in DIRE NEED of Book 3. It needs to soothe me, even though it will be a fight for that. The storm is just brewing and it will wreak havoc on everything, I need to mentally prepare myself for that.
TK, I absolutely hope you don't take this review the wrong way, I have nothing but love for this series. And of course I still love Alexander and Olivia, but they sure do know how to piss me off! I am extremely excited for the next one, I can't wait!