Written on Apr 7, 2014
I loved the premise of Dangerous, Maisie's character has one of the most memorable names in young adult today, who else could use the line that Danger is their middle name? But Dangerous reads as a middle grade novel, the concepts, dialogue and simplistic characters are prefect for early teen readers, but much too young for the mature young adult audience. It begun beautifully, Maisie was a brilliant teen with so much to offer readers, but sadly the lure of a potential romance was all too much, and the young genius lost her way.
But the story begun to slide for me with the introduction of the Tokens, small pieces of alien technology in which no one had any idea what it was truly capable of. The teens morph into what could be seen as an Xmen band of superheroes. They begin training for a mission that no one seems to know anything about, only that the urgency is paramount. With cursing bleeped out (the world bleep actually replaces the colourful language), this is a great book for fans of Middle Grade. It's a clean action adventure novel that early teens will really enjoy.