A story about friends and friendship and about being mono-focused, that having fun is sometimes more important than grades and that you are often a product of small decisions that can cascade.
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"See, I was at the mall and I dropped my phone into the fountain. And I had been thinking about all the things I would tell myself if I could call myself when I was fourteen. And now I'm talking to you."
"What," I say slowly, "are you talking about?" I would hang up, should hang up, but she sounds so familiar.
"Don't you see?" she says, bursting with excitement. "I'm pretty sure I'm you. In the future."Devi is a mess. Her boyfriend just dumped her, and the only college that accepted her is known to everyone as 'Stupid State'. But suddenly, she can talk to herself three-and-a-half years earlier - which means she can totally change her future for the better! Either that, or create hilarious and disastrous consequences...