Written on Sep 7, 2016
I think I'm going to have to do a KA marathon now. Once you start, you can't stop at just one.
The Rock Chick series is my happy place
I can’t believe I have never reviewed Rock Chick. This is by far one of my favourite books EVER!! Rock Chick is my go-to book when I need a pick me up. It’s funny, sweet, steamy and has one of the best alpha bossy heroes around.
In my everyday life, many things will trigger my need for a re-read. Someone mentions cashews and I automatically think of Indy’s kickass parties where she goes all out and even has cashews (WoW!). I’m feeling a bit sluggish and waiting for my coffee to brew, I think about trying the cup under the spout thing that Indy does (I’ve never attempted it mind you because I’m bound to stuff it up and spill coffee everywhere). It’s a Friday night and I’ve got no plans…why not live vicariously through Indy and be a Rock Chick for the night. I even hear Pearl Jam on the radio and it makes me chuckle that Indy stresses she’ll die before seeing Eddie Vedder in concert…which then gives me a bit of a buzz because I have (Ha Ha, I’m one-upping a book character). These are just some of the reasons why I keep going back again and again and again.
I’m not going to go too much into the story because there are heaps of reviews out there already. Obviously, I bloody love it. It’s bust a gut laughing, funny. There are sweet times that you can’t help but feel mushy, gushy over Lee. I love all the additional characters we meet in Indy’s adventures but special mention must go to Tex, Mr Kumar, The Kevster, Todd and Stevie, Duke and Brodie. You can’t help but grimace every time Coxy and his idiots show their faces, or when Dawn, Lee’s receptionist, swings her hips trying to tempt and seduce. By far, the best characters introduced...The Hot Bunch...Eddie, Mace, Vance and Hank.
I have read a few reviews talking about the way Lee treats Indy. There was concern that he mishandled her. Yes, he probably was a little forceful but I looked at it a little differently. Both Lee and Indy grew up together with all the banter, pranking and teasing that comes with being part of a family. No, they aren’t brother and sister (Ewww). It came across pretty clearly though that they feel comfortable to roughhouse, boss around and disobey each other. I never felt disgusted or sickened by it. I did…shake my head and make a tut, tut sound when Lee took things too far, or Indy disregarded Lee's well-meaning protection,but that was the Mum in me coming out.
Now…this narrator is the reason why I am now a fan of audio books. Sussanah Jones is AWESOME!! I love the way she changes her voice for characters. She’s very easy to listen to and understand. If you’re thinking about testing the waters with an audio book, it’s definitely worth checking out one of the books in this series.
To buy Rock Chick from Amazon - http://amzn.to/2bX7BQ0
I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -