Written on Dec 23, 2015
I feel a touch guilty that my favourite parts of Rock Chick Regret are the worst bits. It's almost like these emotional bits are a way for me to deal with my frustrations (HORMONES!!), lack of energy (HORMONES) and stress (HORMONES!!). I know that at certain times in my life (HORMONES!!), I need a re-read/listen that helps me get my emotions out.
I'm on a KA Marathon and it's time to say bye bye to the Rock Chicks and hello to [b:The Gamble|11227041|The Gamble (Colorado Mountain, #1)|Kristen Ashley|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1327890208s/11227041.jpg|16152936], [b:Sweet Dreams|11227040|Sweet Dreams (Colorado Mountain, #2)|Kristen Ashley|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1327912890s/11227040.jpg|16152935] and [b:Lady Luck|12958487|Lady Luck (Colorado Mountain, #3)|Kristen Ashley|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1327912930s/12958487.jpg|18115826]. Then, I'm thinking [b:Wildest Dreams|12390650|Wildest Dreams (Fantasyland, #1)|Kristen Ashley|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1327913321s/12390650.jpg|17371693], [b:The Golden Dynasty|12458287|The Golden Dynasty (Fantasyland, #2)|Kristen Ashley|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1327913192s/12458287.jpg|17441876]and [b:Fantastical|13005310|Fantastical (Fantasyland, #3)|Kristen Ashley|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1327913381s/13005310.jpg|18166592]. I don't know where I'll head next, but it will probably be time for another emotional read (HORMONES!!) so I'm thinking I might have to visit Joe and Vi in [b:At Peace|11665750|At Peace (The 'Burg, #2)|Kristen Ashley|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1327913073s/11665750.jpg|16610933].
Rubbing my hands in glee...KA marathons are so much fun!!!
A re-read review - ***Re-listened to Rock Chick Regret 15/10/2016. I bloody love this story and I've listened to it at least 3 times already and I can see more in the future.
This particular time, Sadie was my favourite. I swear it changes every time I listen to it. I mean, I really like both Sadie and Hector, but there are definitely times where one will resonate more with me.
While I was listening to Rock Chick Regret this time, (let's blame hormones) Hector drove me bonkers. I was frustrated that he was all bossy and demanding with his impatience showing towards Sadie's issues. Yes, I get shivers up my spine when he goes all crazy Hector, but I wanted to stomp on his foot a couple of times too. Especially when it came to the way he handled the Natalie situation.
Sadie, in this re-listen, amused me with her admittance to having multiple personalities to deal with her life. Her strength, perseverance and concern for others made her lovable. Her generosity and need to look after others, especially those who had done nice things for her, made her one of my favourite heroines.
Special mention must go to Ralphie and Buddy. So funny, patient and sweet.
I love the Rock Chick series and they will always be my comfort audios.***
Well how bizarre was that?
This is an audio review.
Rock Chick Regret audible has seen me through a few events this year. I listened as I baked numerous birthday cakes, cookies and Christmas cookies, it even helped me survive being laid up with food poisoning. It's my own little escape from the world around me. My boys have to nudge me to get my attention to ask why I was cracking up laughing? Then shaking their heads in confusion as I tried to explain Sadie's "how bizarre" comments. Hubby walks in after a huge tear fest and patiently listens as I explain how devastating it is that Hector couldn't get to her when he knows she needs him. These are normal occurrences in my household, but my boys love me and they're used to it. I've read and listened to Hector and Sadie's story a few times, but each time it still hits me with the same punch.
Sadie has lived a very protected life with her father being Seth Townsend. He is a bad man, Sadie knows it and decides to do something about it. Hector Chavez was working undercover for the DEA to bring down Townsend, Sadie finds out and tries to help. Hector is shocked but also concerned for Sadie because if she gets found out, it would not end well. There is also a mutual attraction between the two of them, but they're not on the same page...like really not on the same page. One intimate encounter and both of them say things they don't really mean and it ends badly. Rock Chick Regret is the story of how these two come together after the fall of Seth Townsend and how EVERYONE had Sadie all wrong. She wasn't just the Ice Pricess.
This story is not for the faint of heart. It's gut wrenching, draining and emotional while also sweet, funny and sexy. This woman has been through every woman's worse nightmare, but still manages to find love waiting for her on the other side. Her trials spanned decades, but she lived through them and conquered them. Unfortunately for Hector he knows all of her trials and what she has lived through. His challenge and hope is that she gets to the other side whole and unbroken.
Sadie has been sheltered for so long she doesn't realise her reactions to circumstances are funny. Sadie gets excited about sanding and painting walls...while weird to most, for her it was an opportunity to be normal. Her joy at these tasks made me laugh and her generosity (and Hector's reactions to it) crack me up.
The narrator is brilliant in this series and her ability to change her voice remarkable. The slight changes made it easy to tell when a different character was talking which made it very easy to listen to. I have listened to this series over and over again. Each story caters to my mood. If I feel like a beer and want to feel young and crazy - Lee and Indy. If I'm having a fat day - Luke and Ava. I'm tough and strong and feeling invincible - Vance and Jules. Wouldn't mind a tear fest - Hector and Sadie. To be honest, they all bring me back to earth. There is no way I want to be a Rock Chick in real life, but I don't mind visiting and thinking like one every now and then.
I love all of the characters in this story, but there was one scene where Lee and Luke come in guns blazing and Hector tells Sadie that they (Lee and Luke) know what they're doing. Shivers up my spine...made me want to go back to Lee and Luke's stories to see them in action again. Then Vance kissed Jules...and Mace called Stella kitten...and Jet gives that smile...and Daisy does that tinkering laugh...and Indy gets given the good...