Reading about photography in times past is...Read more
Reading about photography in times past is really neat. Lucy believed that a camera could see things often missed at first glance and I think that could definitely be true. It captures a moment in time and allows for it to fully be examined. When I look at the daguerreotypes of our ancestors I'm fascinated by their lives. Reading the quotes through out this book from a woman photographer of the time was highly entertaining and educational. With all the changes in photography in even the last twenty years I'm not sure what I think. They used to be so difficult and priceless, while today your phone or other handheld mobile device can snap in a second and with a few clicks you can share it with the world. I hope that people never forget just how special the art can be.
David has had such a hard time from past events in his childhood. Learning to forgive and forget is so difficult, yet as he grows as a character he learns a valuable lesson and each reader is taken along for the ride.
Read about acceptance, abandonment, guilt, photography and journalism in a romance to go pitter pat. Oh and throw in a bit of suffragettes too.
*Thanks to Nancy Berland PR for providing a copy*