The Bensons are pretty much your average British family. They row, they fight, they argue, but at the end of the day they do love each other (even if they don’t admit it) and it’s so refreshingly nice to see a family holidaying together en masse. Because it provided a lot of hilarity, being your typical British holiday – all inclusive, more beer than you can keep up with, the ubiquitous footie shirts, and a spot of well-timed food poisoning and it was just great, the holiday spirit was really there.
I was a bit concerned at the start that Chelsea was a stuck-up so-and-so, but I eventually warmed to her – even if she was slightly dismissive of the islands I live on. I found myself quite ensconced with the Bensons actually, and I could quite happily join their little clan for their next adventure. Life would never be dull as a Benson, lemme tell you. I loved that the book just let me forget where I was for a few hours as I journeyed over to Lanzarote and I really, really loved the Bensons. I escpecially loved the little sub-plot with Chelsea and nephew Jack, they were so cute bonding together, despite Chelsea not really wanting to bond; I love that Jack won her over.
I feel very bad, because I’m being picky but there were a couple of things that bugged me and there are SO finicky, but so annoying (to me). First up: When you’re flying with EasyJet these days, you do not pick your own seat. That’s Ryan Air, if I’m remembering correctly. EasyJet assigns seats and you sit in ‘em. (And I know, I flew with them in November.) Secondly: Lanzarote is not a third-world country. Toilets flush, and you can certainly put toilet paper down them. It also takes 4 and a half hours to fly to the Canaries. Not three.
See, SEE how picky I am? But those three inaccuracies bugged the life out of me, because a simple search would tell you how EasyJet seats passengers and whether or not Lanzarote has toilets capable of toilet paper. But that’s all and I only didn’t love it because I am finnicky, and picky, and pedantic.
I loved A Proper Family Holiday. It literally was like going on holiday with your average British family. It was funny, it was cringe-worthy, but it was proper. It was British. And while I would have preferred the Bensons came to Tenerife, I’m still happy Manby chose one of the other Canary Islands. I may complain about where I live a lot, but there’s no denying they are beautiful islands and it was nice to see it being appreciated (kind of, when Chelsea wasn’t insulting it). A wonderful read and I can’t wait to get stuck into A Proper Family Christmas. Considering what they’re like on holiday, I can’t wait to see the mayhem that unfolds with a Benson family Christmas…