Written on Mar 7, 2015
I wasn't quite sure about Once Upon a Tartan in the beginning, since as many of you know, I have an issue with children being the driving force of a romance. Fiona is very much center stage in the plot, but luckily, since she's not the child of either love interest, she is not what ultimately brings them together. She's just the side-plot, and has a more important role in someone else's schemes. I was quite curious as to why her grandfather was suddenly interested in her, as was the rest of her Scottish family. I can honestly say that I never would have guessed why! After Hester's fathers nefarious plans in The Bridegroom Wore Plaid, I had suspected something along those lines, but it is nothing like that at all. It was actually pretty sweet in a misguided sort of way.
As for the romance, I really enjoyed it! Tye and Hester bump heads at first, since he's not exactly the most charming man, and she certainly doesn't trust him after he shows up with no warning and fails to properly introduce himself. But she can't deny that she's attracted to him, and uses him to "get back in the saddle" at her aunt Ariadne's suggestions. I must say that I loved Aunt Ariadne! She's super old and super funny! That woman is scandalous! But she certainly points Hester in the right direction, and helps her overcome her guilt at "using" Tye or taking advantage of him. There's also more sex in this sequel, and Hester and Tye are certainly not lacking in chemistry!
I really liked Once Upon a Tartan. I did have a few issues with the plot. Mostly just that no one had any idea what was going on with Tye's father's sudden interest in Fiona, and didn't bother investigating it. All of her other uncles say that they'd fight to get her back and use all legal action at their disposable, and yet they didn't do that in the first place to see if what Tye claimed was in the will was even what was really in the will. That didn't seem believable to me at all. Other than that though, it's a sweet and sexy romance, with a side of family reunion.
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