Written on Jul 26, 2016
"We have to remember that life is to be lived one day at a time. You cannot worry about past or future. Happiness is in the now." (Ranulf White)
I've always been a mystery girl! I enjoy secrets, conspiracy theories, lies, boarding schools with hidden agendas and complicated plans and this is why Stargazer is much more enjoyable than Evernight.
Stargazer is primarily a book about vampires and the vampire lore and world-building was much better in this book. A new supernatural entity, wraiths or ghosts, become a part of Stargazer and although they were only included in this book as an afterthought, I enjoyed the mystery, supernatural and eerie atmosphere that they gave this book.
Bianca is smart and is able to form her own views and opinions and I like this part of her characterization, however, in Stargazer she keeps on complaining about her relationship with Lucas and the fact that she can't be see him or talk to him. I also couldn't believe the romance between Lucas and Bianca. In the previous book, their relationship was "insta-lovey" and I couldn't forget this aspect in Stargazer.
Balthazar's characterization is a completely great unexpected surprise! Balthazer and Bianca start fake-dating so that Balthazar can find someone he's looking for his sister, Charity and so that Bianca and Lucas and see each other and in Stargazer his tortured vampire past revealed along with the fact that he is a perfect gentleman and I can't wait to read his story.
I also enjoyed the relationships that developed through this book. Bianca and Raquel's friendship evolves, Vic brings sunshine and shows that he's just as smart as everyone else at Evernight, Ranulf is an interesting addition to Stargazer and his friendship with Vic is something that I'd like to see more of and Bianca's relationship with her parents also changes and evolves. Member's of the Black Cross are introduced and I really want to see more of them and their personalities in Hourglass.
While I had issues with some of the characters, the romance and the plot, I enjoyed the vampire and wraith lore and the mystery atmosphere that Stargazer had.
Stargazer is a fast-paced and entertaining read, but is forgettable once it's put down.