Written on Jul 21, 2013
(This review is from an uncorrected proof supplied by the publisher through Net Galley for an honest review)
I have been waiting anxiously for a chance to read this book prior to its publication in September, 2013. I liked the first book in this series and after reading this second installment may go back and read it again. I find that sometimes too much time passes between books in a series and I forget details that may be relevant to the story.
This continuation of the story does not disappoint . Blue, Adam, Ronan and Noah continue to help Gansey search for the Welsh king Owen Glendower and now that the ley line has been awakened even more people are on the hunt for the Greywaren. There is more danger than ever for the friends, both from the real world and from what Ronan brings back from his dreams.
Stievfater has woven together an amazing cast of characters from Blue and her family of psychics to Ronan and his family of dreams and dreamers.
All the characters, old and new, must face their greatest fears and either give in to them or face them and come out the other side stronger and smarter.
I honestly liked this second book more than the first. I learned much more about what drives some of the characters on and what will make them even stronger as the story continues. Hopefully I won’t have to wait for another year to find out.