Available by popular demand, the latest installment of the beloved, award-winning Pushing the Limits seriesTough and independent, seventeen-year-old Abby lets very few people into her inner circle. It's common knowledge in her Kentucky town that she deals drugs, but not even her closest friends know why. But when a deal goes south and Abby's suddenly in danger, she finds herself reluctantly forced to lean on daredevil Logan-a boy whose restless spirit matches her own.
Logan has his own reasons for wanting to keep Abby at arm's length. But he never expected to find in her the one person who might help him face the demons he's tried so hard to run from.
Together, Abby and Logan will have to make a decision: let their current circumstances weigh them down forever...or fight for the future they both thought was impossible.
- ISBN10 1460390679
- ISBN13 9781460390672
- Publish Date 1 July 2016
- Publish Status Active
- Imprint Harlequin Teen
- Format eBook
- Pages 304
- Language English

Written on Mar 1, 2020

Written on Dec 10, 2016
She doesn't belong enough to anyone for her to have friends. Just the way all mythical creatures should live.
This story belonged to a reader favorite, Abby, and Logan, who we also met in a previous book. Both have mastered keeping their emotional distance from their "friends", and both have their reasons. This story focused on these two chasing their impossible, and I really enjoyed watching them catch it.
I'm a ghost. I always have been. Occasionally, I just pretend to be real.
Wow! So much more to Abby then I ever realized. This girl carried the weight of the world on her shoulders, alone, and did things she was not proud of to protect someone she loved very much. The more I learned about Abby's past and present, the more I loved her and rooted for her future. I wanted everything for this girl, I swear.
She walked into a garage, took one look at me and my life has never been the same since.
Logan, the strong and silent, and actually, really deep guy. McGarry crafted a wonderful hero, when she wrote Logan. He had so many beautiful and damaged sides to him. At one point, it was stated explicitly, that it takes a special kind of person to stick it out with Abby, and I have to agree, Logan was very special. He grew a great deal during this story, even helping his parents grow a little too.
I already said I don't know much about love, but I know that when I'm with you I feel something that's a lot like flying and that is something I don't want to go away.
This book really solidified the friend group that has been developing during this series. I swear! Everyone made some sort of appearance. Some had bigger roles than others, but what really mattered, was how they stood by each other, sacrificed for each other, and had each other's backs. I smiled so much because I was so in love with all the love. And I would be remiss if I did not say this: Thank you, Katie, for that ending. I don't care what anyone else says, it was perfect.
I'm not falling in love. I am in love.
Overall: Another great Pushing the Limits book!

Written on Aug 31, 2016
Es un poco cruel para sus protagonistas que haya estado más interesada en los personajes secundarios que en Abby y Logan

Written on Dec 11, 2015
Series !! This is the last and final one of the Pushing the Limits series !!
WHY this book.
Very simple: because it’s about Abby. FINALLY !!!
Woow, I’m finished with this series.. damn ! It might have taken a while since I’ve started this series a couple of years back, but these last 3 I just flew through. The third one was just amazing.. about Isaiah 3 The fourth one.. not really that great, I liked the characters.. but well I missed the spark. I got so interested in Abby in the third book, that I also kind of disliked having to read about West first haha. Not that there is something wrong about, I learned a lot of new things and mysteries where dissolved… but I just wanted Abby… and her secrets !
So we have our main characters, this time featuring Abby and Logan. Abby is, as we all know by now, a drugs dealer.. but we’re still in the mystery of why ?? So we finally find out in the beginning, when Abby gets shot and trusts Logan with her secret to take care of what’s important to her: her demented grandmother. She has to look after her, and an old people home was not an option. So Abby works as a drugs dealer to afford 3 fulltime nurses who take care of her grandmother. Woow !
But, because of the whole getting shot, Abby gets more nervous and because of her attachments to her friends, she is afraid others will get hurt because of her as well. So she wants to distance herself, which does not work out in this group of people we got to know and love, and she completely falls for Logan !! Oh yeah ! The daredevil with his own secret: he is diabetic, type 1. He does not want people to know because he thinks they will treat him different, like he is weak. But because he has to hide it, he puts himself in danger as well.. And falling in love with Abby of course was not part of the plan. Abby gets kidnapped and sets everything in motion to put an end to their current situation, and start making some wise choices. So, they start saving themselves with help and plans… aaaaand I just don’t want to spoil everything so I’m not saying anything else !
I really liked the pace, not going to fast, giving everybody their chance to partake, but also not to slow like Take Me On. I love how everyone makes an appearance and we get to know more about how things are going with them (like Echo and Noah).. just great !
So Abby and Logan ! Yeah ! At the end of Crash Into You I was kind of hoping for a AbbyxWest… but that did not happen.. So when this book started with her and Logan I was really happy with the replacement. Logan was also one of the more mysterious guys in the previous books and now we get the chance to get to know him better as well ! They fit great together, one having a secret that could hurt others, and the other having a secret that could hurt him. They really grew during the book, falling in love and stuff.. but to be honest I kind of missed the whole “wooow” factor. I liked them together yes, and they had their swoon moments.. but IT was not there for me. I felt not a lot.. no heart-breaking love moments.. So meh on the romance.
Loooved the setting. Same town, same people ! Same school ^^ I really like how the author picked different themes for this one. No poor versus rich like the previous ones ! This one was more about the elder care in America and what’s wrong with that system. Coming from the Netherlands with great elder care (so far) we don’t have this problem over here, so it was interesting to read about that. And of course the diabetes. There are a lot of people with this illness, everywhere. We all know what it is, but not how it affect your life on a daily basis. Good to read about it, makes you think more about those problems. Which is something really good in books I prefer to read about !!
Abby. Our main female character. We finally got to know what makes her tick ! Got to know a completely different side of her and I loved that ! She just always seemed so cool and detached, but she really showed emotion during this story ! And not just that.. she really grew a lot during the story, thinking about her future and making the right choices. Taking care of her grandmother, how she needed to do make believe to get through the day.. rough !!
Logan. Our male main character. Also cool and detached in his own way, showing what is behind the hard exterior. How he was to watch out what he does and eats the whole day, every day to keep himself healthy. It explains a lot about his behaviour, why he is who he is. And.. Loved how sweet he was with Abby !! Would not mind waking up with something like that in my bed ^^
Isaiah. Best friend/brother like to Abby.. and good friend of Logan. Kind of happens at the end of a series.. everybody’s friends and connected through someone. Same though guy who does everything for the ones he loves.
Rachel. Best friend of Abby, first female friend she ever had. Sucks that she was not a bigger part in this one, but well.. she had good reasons !
West. Sort of friend of Abby and brother of Rachel. Like how he dives in during the story, makes it more fun. Helps and takes care of her in his own way.
Linus. Protector of Abby, they have known each other for quite a while. He was/is the student of her fathers and in the world of drugs. Seemed very detached and cold.. Helps her, betrays her, helps her..
Eric. Came back to the drugs war over turf and stuff. Hard to trust after the previous books.. but he did better this one.
A lot of other characters who made an appearance.. but the list would be way to long !!
I’ve been saying Abby for so long.. but now it is time for someone else ! I would LOVE to know more about Linus, and what his story is. How he became who he is today, and if he will ever be “saved”. Most likely not going to happen but still.
Hmm.. though one.. Maybe her uncle Mac ? I get that he has his own issues and stuff.. But he should have been the one to take care of his sister, and not let a minor sell her soul and drugs to take care of what should be your job.
Logan’s lips are strong, yet soft. Kissing me like I’ve never been kissed. Kissing me like I’m worth kissing. Kissing me in a way that causes my groggy soul to flutter its eyes open from its constant state of sleep, kissing me in a way that causes my body to melt into his, kissing me in a way that makes my blood that’s always cold to feel very, very excitably warm.
“No. I’m currently not talking to you. This is all in your imagination. I’m not talking to you, you’re not talking to me, in fact, I’m not even here. You should get your head checked, Logan. Hallucinations are so nineteen sixties.”
“What if I’m not here, either?” I join the game. “What if neither of us are here? I’m home. You’re home. This is all some messed-up dream.”
We walk through the yard and a dozen bunnies gloriously spring out of our way. Bunnies surrounding me, a hot guy holding my hand, and I’m pretty sure tractor theft in my future. Life can’t get much better than this.
Overall I really loved the book, it was a really good ending for everyone and you finally found out some long awaited secrets. The themes were hard and realistic and I love that she made me more aware of those. But.. I did not really feel IT and that was kind of a disappointment. As I look at the series, I got to admit that this is not the best book in this series. But it had a very satisfying ending and it really is worthwhile reading. Soo 4 Freyja’s for this one.. and now it is time so finish an other series.. Just don’t know which one yet !! Any ideas ?