Written on Apr 4, 2004
I love the sense of magic created in this world. It almost seems real, as if in describing this magic [a:Robin McKinley|5339|Robin McKinley|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1314406026p2/5339.jpg] is actually trying to describe the forces and energies she harnesses to write. The magic also matches how dense and complicated the narrative is (in language and concept, not in plot).
I actually like that it's complicated, and this is as complicated as I've ever seen her write. Some bits need to be read and then reread to make sense of (and extraordinarily long sentences don't help). But in being willing to be complicated, the story is allowed to explore tattered spells and princesses and insane, beautiful bindings and the fatigue wielding magic leaves. It's stronger and more interesting for being so insanely complicated.