Written on Apr 11, 2020
Following a few short months after A Stitch in Time, we are meeting Sarah and John at a very important part of their life. Life has settled after the dramatic events from the first book, and they are settling into a new rhythm. However, it seems destiny has other ideas and this time not even the spindly ones can control the travelling! When we do learn what is causing the disruption you can’t help but have a small leap of joy. But don’t let it fool you, because disruption and a lot of it, is what lies in store for Sarah.
One thing I did love about this book is Veronica Ratchet, she is a blinking hoot. What a character! Meeting her in 1939 Southampton, in a town which was one of the worst-hit during the war….you know everything will be fine won’t it, right? … Right???
Veronica is new to stitching and things do not go to plan, somehow Sarah is dragged along into what makes the Cross Stitch. The explanation behind the theory of a Cross Stitch is fascinating and so well done. Yet, this chance meeting entwines their lives together forever and I loved how everything works out. What I love about these is that although we know this doesn’t happen, it is explained to us in a way in which…it could happen! But it’s not true is it…is it?
The descriptive writing in this tale will have you believing you are in 1939 Southampton surviving the war, 1979 Bristol in the punk rock era or in 1966 Topeka with a raging Tornado on its way to you! You can smell the fires, you hear the wind, you feel the grit of the sand. It is as if you are there.
I really hope and pray there is a way that we get can the third book, because even though the book is all nicely tied up there is still so much to the story. So much more and plus I want to learn more about Esme and Harry! Cross Stitch is a story that flows with no words wasted and before you know it, you’ve reached the end! I am still not happy about this! I didn’t want it to end so quickly. So many threads have not been stitched up (sorry couldn’t resist!) and I yearn to know more. But if it does mean the end, I will riot but secondly, it still leaves me with the warm and fuzzies….but I still want the next book.