Written on Jan 15, 2018
I kept seeing the trailer for the movie on Goodreads, and couldn't resist checking this one out when I saw the audiobook at my library. It really enjoyed it. The beginning is all the heartbreak, as what brings Liam home is his best friend's funeral. Bonus point to McLaughlin for making me shed a few tears there. All the kids in the book were adorable and I couldn't get enough of them, and Liam interacting with them was pure gold for me.
It's a second chance romance, one of my favorite things, and we get a lot of flashbacks, which I thought were great. They helped paint a complete picture of what happened a decade ago, that led to the situation Liam and Jo were in now. We saw the sweet and sour memories. I do wish the audiobook had some sort heading to let me know we were flashing back. It would take me a second or so to realize I was not in the present.
I struggled a little with the whole Nick thing. I thought he was treated sort of unfairly. Like I wanted him out of the way, but the whole set up was quite harsh.
Overall: I enjoyed this second chance romance, and am interested enough to check out Harrison's story.