I stopped reading on page 352.
Sadly this book just bored me. :(
Clay's point of view was essentially Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, except they were pretty much just journeying/wandering around the entire time, with little actually happening. It just got… boring.
I loved Lizanne in the first book, but I wasn't a fan of her plot line in The Legion of Flame. At first there was some political manoeuvring, and I did like that! But then there was a whole prison break plot line and I just really didn't like that setting. I had zero interest in the prison politics.
Hilemore was my favourite character, but he didn't get many chapters, so that was a bummer for me.
There was a new point of view: that of Sirus. I really liked his first chapter and was eager to see where that led… but sadly it led somewhere I really didn't care about. Ultimately I found his chapters to be boring and not have much point. I probably could have skipped them and not been any worse off.
This was a massive bummer for me because I loved the first book, and given that I read 350 pages of this, I really put in a good effort. But I finally had to accept that I was bored and dreading making it to the end. :(