He took what a majority of us is. Educated but not a believer. Then on a trajectory that mimics human nature almost perfectly he takes David through proof and a reason to be willing to undergo "testing" and shows his doubts and fears along the way. The doubts and fears is what all of us have. I could see myself in David. The book was so well written that I started to have the same doubts and fears. I used to see the devil as a dumb thing that lost a millenia ago but this book depicts the devil as smart cunning and knows how to get you to ALMOST belive what he is saying. For example, in the book when he confronts David he makes the argument that God is a ruthless being who demands total obedience but the Devil will "let" you have freedom if only we follow him. The author puts it much more eloquently than that but that is the gist of it. It was so well written that I felt I was there and the devil himself was trying to convince me that I should follow him to freedom. I am not going to tell you how the book ends because that would ruin the surprise. It is a mind bending book.
In true horror story fashion this books has some gory and unsettling themes. I was frighted at some of the things and I read this book in the daytime!
This book sucked me in and i read in a couple of hours. I literally could not put it down. It will take you on a thrilling ride through the demonic world.
Highly recommended.This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land