Charli G.
I purchased “Turbulent Sea” when I needed to have a book to read with me. I wasn’t disappointed in it at all. Then again, I’ve never been disappointed in any of Christine Feehan’s books. Seriously, the woman writes the most amazing paranormal romance novels I’ve ever read. Well, her and Maggie Shayne. It’s a tie between those two for the best. :)
Now Turbulent Sea is about sister #6, Joley. Joley’s gift is spell-singing. Not surprisingly, since she’s susceptible to sound and she sees music, she’s a rock singer and a very popular one. But she’s been marked by a Russian bodyguard named Ilya Prakenskii and he’s not about to let her get away from him! He shows some remarkable talents of his own as well!
This book was action packed, and a real page turner! It was hard for me to put it down when I had to. It made me realize that I need to obtain the rest of the series and read it from beginning to end. It’s an awesome series and I intend to get the rest and read them!