Written on Feb 12, 2018
I honestly don't know why I keep reading this series. 500 pages and it could have been cut down to about 250 at least. There's WAY too many parts just trying to explain the same comcept over and over again. We don't need pages of each metaphysical realization Anita comes to. We just need some plot. I'm getting a little disappointed. I keep picking up the next book hoping for some more of Anita's detective work and so far nothing. That was the best part of these books and now its gone. We also don't need 2 chapters each time Anita has sex. It's getting a little out of control.
These books are getting too long and they aren't worth it. I skim through a lot of pages because they're either too boring or just fighting over the same things. I'll probably try and finish the series in case it goes back to how it begun but as of right now I wouldn't recommened it.