Blood Noir by Laurell K. Hamilton

Blood Noir (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #16)

by Laurell K. Hamilton

Jason is a werewolf. He's also one of Anita Blake's best friends and sometimes her lover. And right now he needs her - not to be a vampire hunter, or a federal marshal, or a necromancer, but because his father is dying. Anita can make him look like an everyday guy, helping him say good-bye to the abusive father he never loved. The fact that Jason is not 'everyday' and Anita is far from being just a pretty woman is something they figure they can keep under wraps for a couple of days in a small town. How hard can that be? Really, by now, Anita Blake should know better. And this is the weekend that Marmee Noir, ancient mother of all vampires, picks to make a move. Somehow she has cut the connection that binds Anita and vampire Master of the City Jean-Claude, leaving them vulnerable. Dangerous even as she sleeps, buried in darkness for a thousand years beneath the old country of Europe, Marmee Noir reaches out toward power - she has attacked Anita before, but never like this. Anita has what she wants - and now she's going to take it.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

I liked this book, I like it when Anita gets of of St. Louis. I liked it that Jason was one of the main characters of this book. I also liked it that while there was still lots of sex in this book, there didn't seem to be as much as the few previous books from when the ardouer(sp) started. I'm wondering what's going on with Richard and the ardouer(sp), is that going to remove some of it from Anita? I'm quite intrigue with all the metaphysical stuff, and i'm quite intrigued on if Anita will ever fully shapeshift, would be interesting to see. I'm still hating Richard, and after the small part he had in this book, it doesn't change my mind about him one bit. I wish Anita would lose some of the men she's boinking, I think that part of the story has gotten way extreme, but that's just my opinion on that... I don't mind a few of the guys, Jean Claude being the main one, and Jason being the next in line the rest, they're just ehhh for me...and I know everyone loves Nathan, I do too, just for some reason not with Anita *Shrugs* no clue why just do. I've never really been big on Micah either... so let me tell you having a book where they were not really a part of just tickled my fancy and made the book more worthwhile to read.

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  • 12 July, 2013: Finished reading
  • 12 July, 2013: Reviewed