Written on Oct 31, 2013
I’ve been meaning to read this book for a very long time now because I read and enjoyed the first book, Exclusively Yours. I remember being happy that the next book in the series was going to be Kevin’s story because I loved him and his flirty spice self in Joe and Keri’s book.
So this book follows Kevin toward his happy ending. The Kowalksi’s remind me of my family. Our family gatherings are always huge and chaotic. There are kids running like crazy people all over the place and the adults are always laughing. Quiet evenings at home with family is never in the cards for our family and that’s kind of the same way things are with the Kowalski’s. I love them.
In this book, Kevin hooks up with Beth, a bartender that he had a run in with at his bar on the night of Joe and Keri’s wedding. He went to great lengths to try to hook up with her, involving his family and almost getting Joe and Beth in trouble with Beth’s boss but it all worked out at the end of the day because Beth ended up in bed with Kevin and he rocked her socks. When morning comes, Kevin says things that bring Beth up short and she bolts. She never expected to see him ever again but when she ends up pregnant from their night of naughtiness, Kevin comes storming back into her life and isn’t going anywhere. Along with Kevin comes his family. The whole Kowalski bunch and Beth is overwhelmed.
As much as I enjoyed the Kowalskis and Kevin, Beth got on my nerves. Her reasons for holding Kevin at arms length made sense in the beginning but when you’re 95% done with the book and she’s STILL not sure of Kevin’s feelings for her after EVERYTHING that he’s done for her, something’s wrong. I was starting to think that it was Beth that didn’t deserve Kevin. I get that seeing all of those women falling all over themselves in his bar and kissing napkins for him isn’t much fun to see but Kevin had done nothing in all the months that they were in their whatever that was they were in to deserve her non-trust in him. When Kevin is talking to Joe toward the end of the book and he’s telling Joe that Beth is always going to find something to hold against him and he was getting tired of it, I couldn’t help but think, “Finally!” It took him much too long to do something about the distance between him and Beth. The book was damn near over by the time he finally decides that it’s time to move the hell on. And the other thing that made me mad was how easy he caved to Beth at the end too. I wanted more groveling from her, after all of the crap that she put him through, I wanted her to suffer a little longer than she did.
But aside from my issues with the main couple, it was still nice to see the other Kowalski’s again and Kevin’s parents are the bomb. I just love them both to pieces. I was happy to see that things between Evan and Terry are getting better, the same thing with Mike and Lisa and Joe and Keri. I will definitely check out the next book because I want more Kowalski goodness (even though I hear it’s a different branch of the Kowalski’s) because, how can you not?