Scandalous Desires was so good! I was kind of expecting Silence to be down and gloomy and then saved by the power of love, but that’s not this story. Silence is mourning her husband, but she’s not down or gloomy. She’s looking at the bright side, even learning that her life may be in danger. She’s going to do anything to protect that baby. I loved that while she does go into hiding when Micky tells her to, she isn’t going to just do everything he says. She has her own mind and she’s going to use it. It was also great how she stands up to him and won’t settle for less than what she deserves and wants.
There’s also a pretty good plot driving Scandalous Desires. The Vicar is coming after Micky, but not directly. He wants to get him where it really hurts: in his heart. We also learn some things about the Vicar that make this situation even worse and broke my heart for Micky. A lot of sad stuff happens to Silence and Micky here, but they always rise above it. The ending did have me really worried, because how can they get out of that?! Well, luckily there’s a certain someone watching out for them.
I really enjoyed Scandalous Desires. Silence and Micky are just perfect for each other despite what he had done to her previously. Obviously he’s the pirate with a heart of gold! And that epilogue left me dying for the next book! I am so curious about this mysterious Ghost.
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.