This writing is a series of short stories revealing to you how to use the invisible forces to make things you want to happen in your life appear like magic. That is right, there are invisible forces you can use to change your life and attract the things you want to happen to you.The writer would like to begin with telling about his first realization about how time changes everything. He was reading a book he had been studying for almost twenty years, he noted up in the corner of the books page a...
by Affirmations World
THE MEMOIRS OF ALDEN AFFIRMATIONS WORKBOOK Positive Affirmations Workbook Includes
by Affirmations World
El Codigo de la Vida #4 Pronostico Anual Para 2016
by Swami Ram Charran
Lifecode #6 Yearly Forecast for 2016 - Kali/Hanuman
by Swami Ram Charran
2018-2019 Academic Planner (2018-2019 Academic Planner, #1)
by Chub Brary
WARNING - this book contains strong language. Because when you wake up to yourself after forty years "dear me" just isn't going to cut it. I wrote this to express everything I felt on waking up and as a manual for myself on how it feels to be free (just in case I ever forget). My practice, whatever it is on any given day, is to help people feel alive, to wake them up. The tragic part is that they often wake up for a moment; for one second, for a song, for an hour, for a day or a week, they wake...
Promoting Social Success
by Gary N Siperstein and Emily Paige Rickards
"Students have become more aware of others' feelings.""She has begun to socialize much more and initiate contact with her peers.""One student was being teased by others... He was able to come up with different strategies for dealing with it."These are the voices of real-life elementary school teachers who have used this research-based curriculum to reach a crucial goal: improving the social skills of students with mild to moderate disabilities and their peers. Field-tested with 400 elementary sc...
Coping with Threatened Identities (Psychology Library Editions: Social Psychology)
by Glynis M. Breakwell
People cope with threats to their identities in many different ways. Until the original publication of this title in 1986, there had been no theoretical framework within which to analyse their strategies for doing this, or to examine the nature and impact of the threatening experiences themselves. In this elegant and original book, Glynis Breakwell proposes an integrative model which explores the structure of identity and the principles directing its development. Focusing on examples of threat...