Too Young to Be Old (LifeTools: Books for the General Public)
by Nancy K Schlossberg
As the Baby Boomer generation reaches retirement age, an unprecedented number of Americans will soon be 55 or older. More so than ever before, the question is on our minds: How do I age well? In this accessible and upbeat guide, Schlossberg builds on the concepts she pioneered in her smash hits Retire Smart, Retire Happy and Revitalizing Retirement with an engaging take on positive aging. Looking at the basic issues of aging - health, finances, and relationships - readers will learn to think ab...
Younger Next Year for Women P/B
by Christopher Crowley and Dr. Henry S. Lodge
This is the book that can show us how to turn back our biological clocks - how to put off 70 per cent of the normal problems of aging (weakness, sore joints, bad balance) and eliminate 50 per cent of serious illness and injury. The key to the program is found in Harry's Rules: exercise six days a week; don't eat crap; and, connect and commit to others. There are seven rules all together, based on the latest findings in cell physiology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, and experimental psychol...
All-Star Student - An Academic Planner with Subject Dividers
by Flash Planners and Notebooks
Detox Cleanse: The Ultimate Guide on the Detoxification: Cleansing Your Body for Weight Loss with the Detox Cleanse
Radical Curiosity: One Man's Search for Cosmic Magic and a Purposeful Life
Gender Differences in Aging
by Daisy Galindo-Ciocon Ph D, Diana Jabrica Galindo M D, and Jerry Ochoa Ciocon M D