

Member since Feb 6, 2021

Books Read


Read in 2024




Average Rating


Recently read

Reviewed 5 of 5 stars
Carving Angels

Carving Angels by Diane Stringham Tolley

Finished on 2011-12-01
Reviewed 5 of 5 stars
The Armor of Light

The Armor of Light by Karen E Hoover

Finished on 2011-11-30
3 of 5 stars
The CAFE Book

The CAFE Book by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser

Finished on 2011-11-29
Reviewed 4 of 5 stars

Bound by C K Bryant

Finished on 2011-11-26
Reviewed 5 of 5 stars
Don't Fear the Reaper

Don't Fear the Reaper by Michelle Muto

Finished on 2011-11-14
Reviewed 4 of 5 stars
No Angel

No Angel by Theresa Sneed

Finished on 2011-11-12
Reviewed 4 of 5 stars

Fall by Jennifer Latas

Finished on 2011-11-06
Reviewed 4 of 5 stars

Identity by Betsy Love

Finished on 2011-11-04
Reviewed 5 of 5 stars

Variant (Variant, #1) by Robison Wells

Finished on 2011-10-31
Reviewed 4 of 5 stars
Circle of Secrets

Circle of Secrets by Kimberley Griffiths Little

Finished on 2011-10-30
Reviewed 4 of 5 stars
Double Deceit

Double Deceit by Stephanie Humphreys

Finished on 2011-10-27
Reviewed 4 of 5 stars
The Outer Edge of Heaven

The Outer Edge of Heaven by Jaclyn M Hawkes

Finished on 2011-10-20
Reviewed 5 of 5 stars
Ribbon of Darkness

Ribbon of Darkness by Julie Coulter Bellon

Finished on 2011-10-11
Reviewed 5 of 5 stars
Dating a Widower

Dating a Widower (Dating a Widower, #1) by Abel Keogh

Finished on 2011-10-06
Reviewed 5 of 5 stars
Conversations with a Moonflower

Conversations with a Moonflower by Christine Hall

Finished on 2011-10-01
Reviewed 3 of 5 stars
Afterlives of the Rich and Famous

Afterlives of the Rich and Famous by Sylvia Browne

Finished on 2011-09-21
Reviewed 4 of 5 stars

Seers (Seers - Trilogy, #1) by Heather Frost

Finished on 2011-09-17