Reviewed by sstaley on

5 of 5 stars

Don't Fear the Reaper has a beautiful cover that pulls you in.The first chapter of this book is one of the most haunting, breath-taking and heart stopping I have read. In fact, the first paragraph quickly shows Michelle's awesome,descriptive writing style.

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for they are with me. I repeated my version of the psalm as I watched the ribbon of blood drift from my wrist. I’d hoped it would be a distraction—something to stop me from wondering what my sister’s dying thoughts had been. Exhaling slowly, I let the emptiness consume me."

-Michelle Muto. Don't Fear the Reaper (Kindle Locations 53-57).

(Spoiler Alert!!)

I will be honest and tell you exactly what happens; Keely commits suicide in the first chapter of this book, because she thinks that she was responsible for her twin sister, Jordan's death. When I said that this book is breath taking, I meant it. There are some graphic scenes as she does the deed, but not so gruesome to make you sick. You literally hold your breath waiting to see if she follows through, and then to see if she is really dead. I do want you to know though, suicide is NOT glorified in this novel, in fact, it is exactly the opposite. Author Michelle Muto, does a marvelous job of showing the great remorse that Keely has about what she has done. She shows how much Keely wishes she could be alive again. She especially shows the sorrow she is enduring, seeing how much she hurt her parents, by killing herself.

To read the rest of my review please go to my blog at:

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  • 14 November, 2011: Finished reading
  • 14 November, 2011: Reviewed