Carving Angels by Diane Stringham Tolley

Carving Angels

by Diane Stringham Tolley

Once Santa's chief wood carver, Papa Adam nearly gave up on life when he lost his sight, but his five-year-old granddaughter Amy's request for a carving restores his confidence and leads them to building a new sleigh for Santa.

Reviewed by sstaley on

5 of 5 stars

Carving Angels is a wonderful book to read together as a family at Christmas time. This book is a quick read, only 128 pages, but it is a huge punch with an important message.So many times, especially as we age, we feel like we are not important anymore. There may be that feeling that our lives have no meaning. In Carving Angels we learn, through a very heart warming story, that Father Creator(What God is referred as in this story) "He uses life and experience to mold and refine us. Father Creator takes each of us and hold us to the light, trying to see what sort of good person is inside. Then he gives us experiences that bring out that person. Experiences that carve off the rough, unwanted edges and slowly shape and refine us until we are perfect."

Papa Adam and his young granddaughter Amy, start spending time together. They learn and grow from each other with Papa's great life experiences and Amy's innocent and clear way of looking at life. I loved the way that Papa Adam would explain how Father Creator works in our lives.

To read the rest of my review of Carving Angels please go to my blog at:

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  • Started reading
  • 1 December, 2011: Finished reading
  • 1 December, 2011: Reviewed