Why do bad decisions happen to good managers?

If you need the best practices and ideas for smart decision making--but don't have time to find them--this book is for you. Here are 10 inspiring and useful
perspectives, all in one place.

This collection of HBR articles will help you:

- Make bold decisions that challenge the status quo

- Support your decisions with diverse data

- Avoid choices that justify past bad decisions

- Evaluate risks and benefits with equal rigor

- Check for faulty cause-and-effect reasoning

- Test your decisions with experiments

- Foster and address constructive criticism

- Defeat indecisiveness with clear accountability

- Root out unconscious prejudices

Most companies waste billions of dollars on technology. Don't be one of them. If you need the best practices and ideas for unleashing technology's strategic potential--but don't have time to find them--this book is for you. Here are eight inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place. This collection of HBR articles will help you: - Clarify corporate strategy with your IT department - Fund only IT projects that support your strategy - Transform IT investments into profits - Build one technology platform for your entire organization - Adopt new technologies only when their best practices are established - Use analytics to make smart decisions at all levels of your company - Integrate social media into your business

Is your company's top talent jumping ship as good replacements become harder to get? If you need the best practices and ideas for winning the race for talent--but don't have time to find them--this book is for you. Here are 11 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place. This collection of HBR articles will help you: - Look for good people in all the right places - Interview more effectively - Make--and keep--compelling promises to candidates and employees - Mitigate the risks of hiring stars from other companies - Coach and mentor to shore up commitment - Stretch promising employees' responsibilities - Rotate high performers into a variety of teams - Reverse the female brain drain

How do you keep your customers coming back-and get them to bring others? If you need the best practices and ideas for making your customers loyal and profitable--but don't have time to find them--this book is for you. Here are nine inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place. This collection of HBR articles will help you: - Turn angry customers into loyal advocates - Get more people to recommend you - Boost customer satisfaction by satisfying your employees - Focus on profitable customers--whether they're loyal or not - Invest in the right CRM technology for your business - Mine customer data for more effective marketing - Increase your customers' lifetime value

Persuade others to do what you want--for their own reasons. If you need the best practices and ideas for making deals that work--but don't have time to find them--this book is for you. Here are 10 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place. This collection of HBR articles will help you: - Seal or sweeten a bargain by uncovering the other side's motives - Conquer faulty assumptions to make the right deals - Forge deals only when they support your strategy - Set the stage for a healthy relationship long after the ink has dried - Make promises you can keep - Gain your adversaries' trust in high-stakes talks - Know when to walk away

Fresh ideas can mean big profits but only if they make it to market and sell. If you need the best practices and ideas for creating and delivering new products and services but don't have time to find them this book is for you. Here are 10 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place. This collection of "HBR" articles will help you: decide which ideas are worth pursuing; adapt offerings from the developing world to wealthy markets; plan all-new ventures by testing and tweaking; tailor your efforts to meet customers' most pressing needs; make inexpensive products on a vast scale; measure and improve innovation performance; and, avoid classic pitfalls such as stifling innovation with rigid processes.

HBR's 10 Must Reads

by Harvard Review

Published 1 November 2010
Change is the one constant in business, and we must adapt or face obsolescence. Yet certain challenges never go away. That's what makes this book "must read." These are the 10 seminal articles by management's most influential experts, on topics of perennial concern to ambitious managers and leaders hungry for inspiration--and ready to run with big ideas to accelerate their own and their companies' success. If you read nothing else - full stop - read: Michael Porter on creating competitive advantage and distinguishing your company from rivals John Kotter on leading change through eight critical stages Daniel Goleman on using emotional intelligence to maximize performance Peter Drucker on managing your career by evaluating your own strengths and weaknesses Clay Christensen on orchestrating innovation within established organizations Tom Davenport on using analytics to determine how to keep your customers loyal Robert Kaplan and David Norton on measuring your company's strategy with the Balanced Scorecard Rosabeth Moss Kanter on avoiding common mistakes when pushing innovation forward Ted Levitt on understanding who your customers are and what they really want C. K.
Prahalad and Gary Hamel on identifying the unique, integrated systems that support your strategy

Find and fix your weakest links. If you need the best practices and ideas for making your supply chain strong and agile--but don't have time to find them--this book is for you. Here are 10 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place. This collection of HBR articles will help you: - Use your supply chain as a competitive weapon - Gain customers' trust by revealing where your products come from - Collaborate with other companies--even rivals--to achieve scale - Make smart decisions about where to manufacture - Pick the most profitable supply chain for your products - Align partners' interests with your own - Revamp your supply chain to meet green goals

Beat local companies at their game. If you need the best practices and ideas for gaining market share in developing economies--but don't have time to find them--this book is for you. Here are 10 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place. This collection of HBR articles will help you: - Manage risk in unstable environments - Ward off political threats to your business - Customize your business model for emerging markets - Tailor your strategy to capitalize on countries' strengths - Gain ground on emerging giants - Compete in China's new high-tech market - Win the war for talent in developing economies - Serve the bottom of the pyramid profitably

Protect the earth and your bottom line. If you need the best practices and ideas for turning sustainability into competitive advantage--but don't have time to find them--this book is for you. Here are 10 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place. This collection of HBR articles will help you: - Craft strategy to compete on green turf - Redesign your business model, products, and processes to achieve green goals - Parlay your efforts into lower costs and higher revenues - Capture more value from clean-tech investments - Launch sustainability programs with impact - Synchronize green initiatives by overhauling your supply chain - Engage constructively with environmental activist groups - Mitigate the risks of climate change

How can management cure health care's ills? If you need the best practices and ideas for transforming health care--but don't have time to find them--this book is for you. Here are 10 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place. The HBR articles in this collection propose several remedies: - Organizing doctors into teams - Focusing incentives on patients' recovery - Saving lives and dollars by designing clearer work processes - Sharing knowledge through industry networks - Knocking down barriers to innovation in funding, policy, and technology - Treating common ailments with simpler interventions - Bridging the divide between clinicians and administrators - Ramping up R&D productivity by returning power to scientists

Revise your game plan--and profit from the change. If you need the best practices and ideas for creating business models that drive growth--but don't have time to find them--this book is for you. Here are 10 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place. This collection of HBR articles will help you: - Reinvent your business profitably - Set your model up for success with a winning competitive strategy - Test and change your assumptions about customers - Spot trends that could transform your business - Exploit disruptive technologies - Give traditional offerings a shot in the arm - Produce game changers for your industry or market - Build a new business in an established organization

If you need the best practices and ideas for achieving career growth and fulfillment--but don't have time to find them--this book is for you. Here are 9 inspiring and useful perspectives, all in one place. This collection of HBR articles will help you: - Break out of a career rut - Earn a spot on your company's high-potential list - Find out what's really holding you back - Get the kind of mentoring that leads to a promotion - Groom yourself for an external move - Turn the job you have into the job you want - Crack the code of C-suite entry - Take control of your career after being fired