4,310 books • 6 series
The Parallel an Essay on Friendship, Love and Marriage. (1689)
A View of the Short History of Standing Armies in England (1698)
Baptism, Infant-Baptism, and Quakerism Briefly, But Impartially Considered, in a Letter to a Friend with a Short Disswasive from the Impiety, Atheism, and Popery of Our Age, in Another Letter
An Episcopal Almanack for the Year of the Worlds Creation 5027, Mankinds Redemption 1678
Prelacie Is Miserie, Or, the Suppressing of Prelaticall Goverment [sic] and Establishing of Provintiall, and Nationall Sinods, Is a Hopefull Meanes to Make a Flourishing Church, and Happie Kingdome (1641)
The Perpetval Crosse, Or, Passion of Iesvs Christ from the First Instant of His Incarnation to the Last of His Life / Set Forth in Fourtie Pictures for the Greater Profite of Soules. (1649)
Proposals for Raising a Million of Money Out of the Forfeited Estates in Ireland Together, with the Answer of the Irish to the Same, and a Reply Thereto. (1694)
Discovery or Declaration That the Judgement in Behalf of the Fundamental Deliverance of the Poor and Afflicted, the Faithul [sic] and Elect Is Not at All to Begin with the Pope of Rome, But from the House of God or His Sanctuary ... (1660)
A Dialogue or Discourse Betweene a Parliament-Man and a Roman-Catholick Touching the Present State of Recusants in England. (1641)
Poeta de Tristibus, Or, the Poet's Complaint a Poem in Four Cantos. (1682)
The Voyages Travels of That Renowned Captain, Sir Francis Drake, Into the West-Indies, and Round the World Giving a Relation of His Strange Adventures, and Many Wonderful Discoveries, His Fight with the Spaniard, and Many Barbarous Nations (1652)
The Designs of France Against England and Holland Discovered, Or, the Intrigues of That Crown for the Utter Ruine of Both Those Nations, Laid Open. (1686)
A Discourse Between a Romanist and an English-Man Shewing the Reasons Why Protestant Subjects Cannot Injoy Their Laws, Religion, Liberty and Property Under a Popish Prince. (1681)
The Doctrine of the Catholick Church and of the Church of England Concerning the Blessed Trinity (1697)
A Discourse for Taking Off the Tests and Penal Laws about Religion (1687)
Divine Light Manifesting the Love of God Unto the Whole World with the True Church Wherein the Holy Spirit of Truth Manifesteth the Glory of God in Christ, Exalting Christ, a Spirituall Christ, and All-Saving Jesus (1646)
A Friendly Dialogue Between Livery-Man and a Free Man of the City of London Concerning the Late Proceedings at Guild-Hall in the Election of Sheriffs and Other Officers for the Year Ensuing (1695)
Hell Broke Loose, Or, an Answer to the Late Bloody and Rebellious Declaration of the Phanatiques, Entituled a Door of Hope, & Wherein Their Horrible Conspiracy Against Our Gracious Soveraign, in Their Late Rebellion Is Discovered (1661)
Certain Sermons or Homilies, Appointed to Be Read in Churches, in the Time of Queen Elizabeth of Famous Memory and Now Thought Fit to Be Reprinted by Authority from the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. (1673)
An Exact and Compleat Journal of All the Considerable Actions of the Confederate Fleets and Armys from the Opening of the Campaigne, for This Present Year, 1695, Untill the Conclusion Thereof. (1696)
A Letter to a Foreigner, on the Present Debates about a Standing Army (1698)
A Letter to a Member of Parliament Concerning the Four Regiments Commonly Called Mariners (1699)
A Form of Prayer, to Be Used on Wednesday the 22nd of December Being the Fast-Day Appointed by the Kings Proclamation
A Poetical Essay Devoted to the Glorious Memory of Our Late Queen Occasion'd by a Number of Poems and Sermons Upon Her Death. (1695)