Jeff Sexton
RomCom In A Nightmare Setting. Seriously, the title of the review here is pretty much exactly what you're getting. I don't know how common it is, but I know I've had the nightmare that is a version of the basic premise of this book - that you suddenly find out all of your "government" "approved" "identification" is suddenly found to be fraudulent and/ or non-existent... anywhere. How would you survive in modern America? Particularly if you were just starting a new job? And now you have the basic narrative here.
The romance/ romcom aspects of this tale take a bit of the realism of the premise out of the picture, but then, if we wanted a gritty real world version of the premise above, we wouldn't be looking for it in a romcom, now would we? Instead, both sides of romance and comedy work well, so long as you don't mind absurdist/ "What the FUCK?" comedy. (And seriously, if you can't enjoy that type of comedy at least from time to time, that absolutely says more about you than about Wiesner's writing here.)
Ultimately, this *is* a romcom - even with the initial premise - so yes, things get tied up in nice little maybe more Lifetime Movie than Hallmarkie bows, but said bows are absolutely the pink and frilly kind. In other words, don't let the premise get you too anxious here, just sit back and enjoy the ride - if maybe a touch more pulse pounding than many romcoms.
Very much recommended.