Terri M. LeBlanc
I often find that the middle books in a series can be disappointing. The characters kind of wander about looking for something to happen or the storylines seem jumbled or unclear—there's no clear focus for the plot or characters. None of that occurred in Cress. The book was a heart stopper from the get go. I was immediately pulled in and would listen to the book early in the morning while waiting for my alarm to go off. The narration was stunning. I found myself wondering what would happen next. Would Cinder save Kai? Would Cress hook up with Thorne? What was to become of Scarlet? It left my mind reeling! And makes me very excited for the release of Fairest (currently on the hold list at the library) and Winter in November.
While I have championed Cinder and Scarlet over the last year or so, Thorne and Wolf really grew on me in Cress. They showed their strengths and wore their hearts on their sleeves. It made me admire them and grow to love them. These men have become well-rounded, three-dimensional characters who now have something at stake. It was really quite unexpected and got me choked up a few times!
If you couldn't tell, I'm giving Cress a thumbs up. Let not the fear of middle book syndrome get you down, Cress delivers girls kicking ass and guys with heart while propelling the revolution against Luna to what I can only assuming will be an amazing conclusion!
This review was originally posted on Second Run Reviews.