Meh. This book COULD have been good. It had all the right pieces but it just dragged on FOREVER. Michelle and I were buddy reading it and she gave up. But she did want to know what happened and I was able to summarize over 50% of the book for her in a few paragraphs. And she enjoyed my paragraphs a lot more than the book lol.
The main character is annoyingly YA. Yes, this is a YA and so it's to be expected to an extent. But isn't there like an unspoken rule that YA characters in fantasy are more mature? Well, don't hope for that here, you will be disappointed.
And there's just way too many side plots going on. Too many characters who we have to traverse down their path before returning to the main plot. And yes, those side stories do ultimately impact the main plot but we could have taken a more direct path I think and enjoyed it a lot more.
The magic was also disappointing in it's meandering explanations. It took too long to get to the point.
Oh and the romance was... you wanna guess? It took too long and was too predictable. If i'm going to wait that long please give me something slightly unexpected.
I am glad I finished as I was curious about a few things and wanted the answers. As michelle pointed out, one of us had to finish so we'd know what happened. But if a cliff notes version of this book existed I would have totally grabbed it. Find a spoilery review (because I don't have the energy to write it) and save yourself the time.