Baroness Book Trove
Written on Sep 22, 2021
Can Avery figure out the bad batch to save Alec's business?
Avery Lloyd
Avery Lloyd is the point of view character that we follow through this novella. She is also the female love interest as well. Avery seems like a pretty capable young woman who has a good head on her shoulders. She loves her job and is trying to make her coven better in what they can do. Avery tries to do the right thing throughout the novella, but the magic she is using seems to always do something different. She is very focused on her work and trying to be a witch while also trying to do things that she wants to do. It's always difficult for her, as we can see. Avery is a good person, though, as she was trying to fix her mistakes. I like her because she seems like a great character. Yes, she is a witch, but that doesn't mean she knows everything or does whatever she wants. Avery has to work for what she wants, and when she realizes that she made two mistakes, she tries to fix them.
Alec Hewittson
Alec Hewittson is Avery's boss and is trying not to fall for his attractions for her. It is tough for him not to do, but he manages. Alec started up his company and wanted to take it as far as possible without selling out, but something made him decide to do something else. He does what he wants to do and doesn't like it when anyone thinks he isn't doing the right thing. Alec isn't magical like Avery, but he still cares for her and her wellbeing. I like him as well because he seems like he generally cares for Avery's wellbeing and wants what is best for her. Alec seems like a nice guy. Luckily, Avery found him when she did.
4 Stars
A Perfectly Paranormal Valentine is a collection filled with five different paranormal romances that are considered sweet as well. I only read Bad Batch by Marie St. Clair, and it was excellent. Bad Batch is getting four stars. I am recommending A Perfectly Paranormal Valentine to everyone that likes paranormal romances. Give Bad Batch and give the other books a try. Then let me know what you think. I am very curious about this world that Ms. St. Clair set up for her characters, especially the magic system. From reading Ms. St. Clair's book, I am confident that the others will be just as good as hers in this collection.
Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of A Perfectly Paranormal Valentine.
Until the next time,
Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove