Written on Aug 14, 2022
Man, I wanted to love this book, I really really wanted to. I was so smitten with this series, the idea, the whole premise is so much down my alley. By all means this finale should have thrilled me.
Unfortunately I somehow found it lacking. The worst thing is, I cannot even put my finger on what exactly it is that bothered me. Don’t misunderstand me, this is not a *bad* book. But for a finale it felt rather weak and in the bigger picture of the series it just can’t quite compare to the first two novels. This was so anticlimactic.
As intriguing as some of the ideas were, the characters didn’t live up to that. Guinevere feels less and less fleshed out with every page. I guess this is to some degree intended but it annoyed me. She is so indecisive, some of her decisions barely make sense and even in the bigger picture of the plot it only makes for a weak addition, so it’s not even justified. It gets even worse with some other characters like for example Arthur. That dude is just an idea on two legs. To me he has no depth, just no nothing at all. Lancelot is an intriguing character but it’s so similar to what is going on with Arthur. Both of them just remain so bland, they aren’t fleshed out enough.