Baroness Book Trove
Written on Mar 10, 2022
Can Megs deliver on a promise that she made to her brother?
Megs Devonshire
Megs Devonshire is a seventeen-year-old girl who went to Cambridge's college at their girl's university back in 1950. She has a younger brother named George, who's eight years old, and he's also dying. George gave Megs a hard promise to deliver to him about finding out where Narnia came from. Megs is just a girl trying to help her brother even though she can't, and Megs is a lover of math, not fiction books, until she read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe with her little brother. I like Megs because she doesn't stray from what she knows, and granted, yes, she tries to see everything as a mathematical equation instead of how a normal person sees things. Megs loves her little brother so much that she risks a lot of things to contact Mr. C.S. Lewis and take George on an adventure.
The Story
After being tasked by her little brother to talk to Mr. Lewis, Megs doesn't know what to expect from the professor until they meet up. She gets to know not only Mr. Lewis but Warnie, his brother, along with all of their adventures. Megs also gets to know a boy she wrote off as not even a potential friend when they first met earlier that year. She spends more time with him and sees that he isn't who she first thought he was. Mr. Lewis never really answers her or George's questions, but the three of them do become good friends.
Four Stars
Once Upon a Wardrobe by Patti Callahan evokes many different emotions while I was reading this book. Ms. Callahan does a great job of transporting me to the wintertime of 1950s Cambridge. I felt so sad for the Devonshire family and everyone else that knew George. My rating for Once Upon a Wardrobe by Patti Callahan is four stars and I'm recommending it to everyone. But especially for those that read Historical Romances, there is a bit of romance between everything else that is going on.
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Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove