Stopped reading on page 238. :( Just couldn't do it.
I'm devastated, but this series just took a turn that wasn't for me. I fell in love with book 1, which to me had all these elements:
- An interrupted romance, that could be rekindled.
- A reluctant dragon hunter.
- Interesting take on ecology (what happens when you kill all the predators in an environment?).
- Kingdoms at war.
Gosh it was amazing. I adored it.
In book 2, things took a weird turn… weird mushrooms, people turning into plants/trees, monsters, science experiments. It felt like the whole ecology / dragon element just disappeared.
I started book 3 hoping it would swing back to its roots, but nope. It really continued on from the new elements introduced in book 2, and it wasn't to my liking. Sure, there were still some dragons here and there (mostly “The Nomad”), but they didn't actually feel like an important part of the plot anymore. Instead it was just the occasional reminder of, “Yeah The Nomad is still flying above and eating boars makes her constipated.” The plot focused by far on the science experiments (no longer ecology based), skyships, and winning a war against the bad guy. It felt like the ecology element was just dead.
Anyway I really wanted to finish this just to complete the series, but it was boring me. There were still good elements here and there, but it was no longer what I was looking for.