Netheia was so, so angry at the world and everyone in the start of the book, and I was really intrigued that we were going to get her perspective in this book after what went down in the previous one. From the start I really enjoyed reading from her perspective, and as I got further into the book, I started to like her more and more too. I loved seeing her growth.
Klavida had a really interesting story on her own. I enjoyed speculation about what the deal was with her in the start of the book, before the true nature of her was revealed. We did get clues, and I did guess the truth before it was revealed, but I thought this mystery about her was explored really well.
I also LOVED that we got to see a bit more of the dragons in this book too! (two particular dragons). That was so much fun.
I just love this world, and I really hope Calvin continues to write books in this series!