Daughter of the Moon by Effie Calvin

Daughter of the Moon (Tales of Inthya, #5)

by Effie Calvin

Four months ago, Netheia Isinthi failed to take her father’s throne from her older sister. After refusing to publicly support the new empress, she is banished to Ieflaria’s capital city, Birsgen, where she anticipates a long and uneventful exile.

Klavida of Nalova is a student at the university established by Princess Esofi for the study of magic. She has come from the far north researching Talcia’s creatures—or so she claims. After a chance meeting brings the two together, Klavida wants nothing to do with the angry, ill-mannered princess. But when Netheia offers Klavida access to the royal library, Klavida decides she can tolerate her after all.

As they spend time together, Klavida realizes that Netheia is intensely lonely and has never known genuine friendship. She becomes determined to show her that there is more to life than the pursuit of power and that a peaceful life of freedom can be more satisfying than ruling an empire.

But Netheia’s patron goddess is not ready to accept that she has lost the Xytan Empire—and neither are Netheia’s most ardent supporters.

Reviewed by readingwithbecs on

5 of 5 stars

This book was so great! One of my favorites in this series. I just really enjoyed the characters and the obstacles they had to face.

Netheia was so, so angry at the world and everyone in the start of the book, and I was really intrigued that we were going to get her perspective in this book after what went down in the previous one. From the start I really enjoyed reading from her perspective, and as I got further into the book, I started to like her more and more too. I loved seeing her growth.

Klavida had a really interesting story on her own. I enjoyed speculation about what the deal was with her in the start of the book, before the true nature of her was revealed. We did get clues, and I did guess the truth before it was revealed, but I thought this mystery about her was explored really well.

I also LOVED that we got to see a bit more of the dragons in this book too! (two particular dragons). That was so much fun.

I just love this world, and I really hope Calvin continues to write books in this series!

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  • 23 December, 2020: Finished reading
  • 23 December, 2020: Reviewed