Written on Mar 20, 2015
Not a lot of Chick Lit tackles dead people, despite the very good scope for comic scenes, but a few that spring to mind are Heaven Can Wait by Cally Taylor (a particular favourite), Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella (also amazing) and The Dead Wife’s Handbook by Hannah Beckerman (with a more serious, emotional touch rather than comedic). If there’s any more, you must let me know because I love these sorts of books. LOVE THEM SO MUCH. The Happy Ever Afterlife of Rosie Potter (RIP) ranks up there with Heaven Can Wait, it was just SO MUCH FUN. I know! Who knew you could have so much fun when you’re dead?
I felt so bad for Rosie Potter. Imagine being cut down in the prime of your life and not having a clue how you ended up dead in your bed. But it isn’t all doom and gloom because Rosie’s determined to find out who did it, and after her room-mate Jenny accuses Rosie’s boyfriend, Jack, she’s sure it WAS him. (And has good reason to suspect him – he sounded like a right bloody creep.) What follows is some VERY, VERY amusing haunting. Seriously, I was giggling away like a loon. Oh, how I would love the opportunity to haunt some people.
Another bright spot was the obligatory one-person-can-see-Rosie thing. YAY! At first, I figured she was just going to be lonely the whole time, but never fear for Charlie’s here!!!!!! Also: SO FREAKING AMUSING. And so sweet. Sigh. Imagine what might have been… ;) Charlie and Rosie’s interactions were so great, and Rosie’s indignation about not knowing Charlie could see her right away was amusing as hell.
At no point was I ever depressed reading The Happy Ever Afterlife of Rosie Potter. Yes, I may have had a glimmer of tears in my eyes during the end (and then been happily laughing again during the Epilogue…) but this was never a dull, depressing book. It was a short, fabulous read, that I could really lose myself in and not have to over-think things and it had some pretty sweet haunting. Being a ghost is clearly THE BEST. Kate Winter is a fab writer, with a great comedic turn and this was just the light-hearted read I was looking for!