Actual rating: 4.5 stars
So, I only saw the Star Wars films for the first time in January 2018, when I made the effort to watch all of them before going to see The Last Jedi in early February. For someone who always thought she hated Star Wars, I've very quickly become a huge fan! And what better way to continue my love of this series than by reading books set in the same world? I loved this origin story for Leia, I thought it was a fantastic read. It was a fantastic way to fill in some of the blanks in Leia's back story, especially for someone who hasn't been exposed to this fandom for literally decades.
So much of Leia's personality comes through, and I thought Gray did a fantastic job writing in what is an already well-established universe. My only criticism of this book is that it felt a bit repetitive at times - Leia will find something out, do something she's not supposed to do, and get in trouble, then she'll find something out etc. This is only a small criticism though and it didn't hamper my overall enjoyment of the book. I can't wait to read more books set in the Star Wars universe, this was such a fun read and I really enjoyed it - 4.5 stars.
Check out the rest of my review here!