Written on Oct 19, 2016
Nothing happened for literally about 90% of the story. I was sooo bored.
Then, once we got into it, I started feeling another emotion: hatred. I literally hated (or at least didn't like) every single character.
Sure, I understood why some of the characters (mainly the MC) were such a mess. For a while I sympathized, but honestly my patience wore thin. They were all either absolutely nuts and kept making the same mistakes over and over, or they were just annoying.
Even when everything came together at the end and got a bit more exciting, I still wasn't nearly as excited as I should have been, largely because I didn't care about ANYONE. I had no one to root for since I kind of hated them all. This made me pretty indifferent about solving the mystery all together.
Also, I felt like there weren't enough breadcrumbs leading us to the mystery. Usually I like it to be a surprise, but then I like to look back at the breadcrumbs and think, "Ohh yeah, that makes sense now." But in this book, it felt more like, "Oh, btw, here's some information I never told you that totally explains why this happened." It's just kind of dumped on us in the last 10% with no solid evidence leading back to it at the beginning. (Unless I'm #epicfail and just missed it completely...)
I really wanted to like this book, but it was just too slow/boring for too long, and I wanted at least one character to fall in love with and be able to stand behind.. but I literally couldn't root for any of them. :(