Written on Mar 13, 2014
I loved both Dex and Ellie, yes Ellie has a lot of insecurities and trust issues but she is a nice person. Dex loves her for who she is but after falling deeply in love with her will he cope with her running out on him again?
This book is about self discovery for Ellie, as well as putting her trust into Dex and him trusting her not to run when things get tough. Their relationship was so romantic, the way Dex wanted to protect Ellie is the way any woman would want their man to protect them. Is it all enough though?
Read it to find out.
I loved this book as I have all of Melissa’s previous books, her style of writing keeps me hooked from page 1 to the end and I feel like I get to know each character so well. I cannot compliment Melissa’s writing skills enough. I always look forward to reading her books.