Written on Nov 24, 2020
This novella is a collection of short stories that take place during Passion and revolves around the only Valentine's Day that Luce and Daniel have shared.
I knew going into this that it wasn't going to add much to the overall series, so I was able to go with the flow and enjoy it for what it is. There's also only one short story that is told from Luce's PoV and the other four stories are about characters who I like such as Shelby, Roland and Arriane.
Here are my thoughts about the short stories:
★ Love Where You Least Expect It: The Valentine of Shelby and Miles (2 stars)
Shelby and Miles are not the most developed characters, but they are likable and they're great friends to Luce. I like the idea of Shelby and Miles as a couple, but their romantic attraction appears out of the blue and seems awkward and forced. There are no hints of the potential for romance between them in previous books of the Fallen series, so it's weird to read about it here.
★ Love Lessons: The Valentine of Roland (2,5 stars)
Roland is an intriguing character in the Fallen series and he's an enigma so it's interesting to see his more lovestruck side. This story is sad and bittersweet, but ultimately, I didn't care much for it.
★ Burning Love: The Valentine of Arriane (4 stars)
This is the only story worth reading. It shows a side of Arriane that we don't get to see in the Fallen series and is full of emotion, love, pain, heartache, anguish and doom. The relationship in this short story is more epic than Luce's and Daniel's is made out to be. Also, an aspect related to Arriane that has intrigued me since reading Fallen is answered, how Arriane got the scars on her neck.
★ Endless Love: The Valentine of Daniel and Lucinda (1,5 stars)
I don't like Daniel. I don't like Luce. I don't like their relationship. This story consists of their usual shenanigans; a little bit more on the sweeter side, but still very cheesy.
Fallen in Love is what I expected it to be, but it was more tolerable than other books in the Fallen series because it is a short, light and breezy read, it doesn't have the same level of cringiness and cheesiness, it had more of characters that I like and less of Daniel and Luce being Daniel and Luce. I would recommend this novella just for Arriane's story.