I had no idea what to expect when starting this book, and it completely amazed me.
Sofi and her younger brother Shilo are in a game that is very futuristic and complicated for me to explain because I'm not sure I fully understand it. I will say that I found it absolutely fascinating with how the politics of this world and the game were mixed together. Sofi's mom is a leader of a big corporation in this world, and it appears that she chooses the company over her own children.
This world also has aliens of some sort, they are very different from humans on earth and are scary in a way to the humans.
We also see things from Miguel's point of view and he is an ambassador to this alien nation from earth. Miguel is a really complicated character, and we didn't really get to learn a lot about him as a person outside of who he was to Sofi.
Sofi and Miguel have a very complicated relationship/friendship. I'm still not exactly sure what happened between them, but it's now very complicated.
Overall I loved this story. Sofi and Miguel and this whole world really is fascinating to me, and I can't wait to see what happens next. If you can I would say to at least look at a physical copy of this book as each chapter has a faded out background pattern to it, that gives a little hint to something that they figure out in the books.
The side characters were all fascinating to me, and I really wasn't expecting for certain things to happen and I was just as shocked as the characters. The AI in this book is amazing as well and I really liked how she was helpful and not made to seem 'evil' in any way and instead was just an assistant of sorts to Miguel.
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