Written on Oct 15, 2013
I knew this love triangle would be my undoing with my love for the characters. Tempest showed more strength here than ever before, but she also made choices that left me wanting. She kept choosing Mark, always, even when she needed to back up Kona in a way that had nothing to do with their personal relationships. She was clearly not meant to be merQueen when she couldn’t stay diplomatic about anything for longer than a second when Mark was around. And the romance angle for Kona in this book? No. Try again. It was completely out of left field and was basically a cop-out. People loved Kona, give him something to be happy about. I was almost insulted with how things went.
The story wasn’t as good here either. It fell flat for me. Really flat. The whole thing was marred with teenage drama, and Tempest’s time in the dungeons were actually the most entertaining parts of the book. Before she left Mark and her family and up until she met back up with Kona, I was really enjoying things. The love triangle killed any story that was there. Even the ending lacked impact because her gorilla love interests had to pound their chest and fly off the handle. It brought the entire climax down for me and left me horribly underwhelmed. The final battle was boring, which wasn’t what I expected.
The series showed such promise, even with it’s flaws and I just did not enjoy this ending. This book killed the series for me. While I still feel it makes for a nice read, if you are looking for something amazing, skip it. You will only be disappointed.
Read this and other reviews at my blog.