Written on Jul 24, 2014
As you know by now, I am a fantasy fangirl. But a zombie horror fangirl? Not so much. And that's was this book features; zombies, daimons, demons, shifters, dark-hunters, were-hunters, Artemis and a lot more. Usually I love reading about a rich diversity of magical characters, but there were so many of them that it became difficult for me to grasp who was what and why and when. I also felt as though Nick was one of the tiny minority who didn't know about the non-human world that he lived in and when he finds out about this non-human world and that he is kinda of non-human too, he doesn't pause even for a moment to think about the world that he thought he knew. He just went with the flow and didn't even think for a moment that he was going crazy. If he had time to kiss during a zombie attack then surely he could have a little time to think about his sanity.
One thing that I did love was the secondary characters, Kyrian, Acheron, Bubba, Mark and Nick's overprotective and loving mom. I never knew and still have no clue which side Nekoda and Caleb are on and that's awesome, because I want to be shocked and surprised and holding on to the edge of my seat.
I started loving this book and ended feeling indifferent about it.This book was a fun read, but it didn't wow me as much as I thought it would.