My rating is 4.5 stars
Are there particular authors you know of that whenever they release a book, you will read it, regardless of subject? Melanie Cellier is on my list. And I'm sadly behind on reading her books. When I saw that I had a lull in my reading schedule, I snapped this up to read!
There are a few variations on how fairy tales are retold. First, there is the kind that moves the setting, and perhaps the time, and then tells the story almost verbatim, possibly updating a name or an expression but covering every detail and making sure it is the same as the book. Then there are the retellings that keep the setting and the characters but you aren't even sure it is the same story. And so on. And so on.
Melanie Cellier's fairy tales are always an interesting twist on the original. While the setting is similar and events resemble those in the original, the way things play out often has a unique twist. I have been loving these stories and am so glad I had a chance to catch up with A Dream of Ebony and White.
Many of the author's heroines are strong and fearless. Princess Blanche is not one of these. She doesn't have many skills outside the running of a castle (which, if you think of it, is quite a feat.) She is fearful of her stepmother and has not been known to stand up to anyone. Yet when her father dies and she finds herself fleeing for her life, she knows it is time for things to change.
Snow just might be one of my favorite of the Four Kingdoms and Beyond princesses. Then again, that might just be because she is the one I just read about! Her wake-up call and the way she handled it, showing true grace and courage, had me cheering for her!
The author's choice to tell the story from only Snow's perspective was spot on. Knowing anyone else's thoughts would have spoiled things!
I loved the changes from the original story and the similarities as well. Though familiar with Snow White's story, I was never quite sure what would happen next.
If you enjoy fantasy, if you enjoy fairy tales, if you enjoy great adventures, you need to read the Four Kingdoms and Beyond series. In fact, while you're at it, just read everything you can by Melanie Cellier. You won't regret it!
Read my full review at Among the Reads