Written on Feb 2, 2014
In this book, Ryon we have a werewolf who was part of the original pack that was turned in Afghanistan. He also sees dead people, insert Sixth Sense joke here (there is not one in the book and I thought there should’ve been at least one). Ryon looks as this as a curse and I guess I could see why, it would drive me nuts too. He is also telepathic. Daria is a wildlife biologist who studies real wolves in the Shoshone National Park. She has the ability to astral project. When she is injured, she projects herself to Ryon who she saw through a different projection when he was taking down vampires. When Ryon gets to her, she is near death and Ryon must bite her to prevent her from dying. She is his fated mate, and he has doubts about turning and claiming his mate without her consent, but she will die without the bite.
Daria is very strong character. She is very independent and I love her personality. She takes things in stride pretty well. I guess if you can astral project, it isn’t too far of a leap to werewolves and other creatures. Once you get past the opening sequence, we don’t see Daria use the astral projection again. I have no idea why. I think it could’ve been extremely helpful in several situations.
The pack go on a hunt for a strange creature who is killing in the Shoshone and doesn’t kill like anything they’ve ever seen before. They learn that this creature is one of Malek’s creations. Daria and Ryon go off on a mission, just the two of them, to attempt to recover an antidote to cure the creature that has been terrorizing the forest. Because of this, there isn’t much interaction with the rest of the pack for most of the book. I think this hurts the story some.
There is tons of romance and sex in these stories. This is something this series has never lacked, but to me it seemed like this story had even more than normal in this book. Maybe because the two were alone so much. The thing that gets me is that at one point, Ryon has a fever of like 103 or something and they still have sex. Now, I’ve had a fever that high before and sex was the last thing on my mind. Now, I’m not a werewolf, so I know my body is not nearly as resilient as a werewolf. I’m also aware that this is fiction and that everything doesn’t have to follow the rules of nature, but come on. Who wants to talk about serious infections and sex at the same time.
I’m very quickly falling out of love with this series. It has never been extremely high on my series list, but I’m seriously considering walking away from the series. It isn’t that this series is bad, it is just that my “to be read” list is out of control. I just have to start cutting okay series to make room for me to get caught back up. The next book is for Zander, the packs healer, who is also been recently injured and is now deaf. This really intrigues me, so I’m going to give this series one more try.
Kristen Potter’s narration is okay. She does a good job with both men and women. She has narrated the entire series to date. There isn’t any snarky in the narration, but then there isn’t much in the story. She is a little monotone.