Written on Feb 28, 2019
I loved Alex Rider as a kid. I must have read the first five books like fifty million times. Since I'm in the middle of a Cherub reread I thought I'd come back to Alex. It's kind of funny reading them now - I don't quite remember them being so depressing. Alex is a lot more jaded than I ever remember him being. It's also warranted but yeah. MI6 and Alan Blunt and Mrs Jones make me so angry. Poor Alex gets screwed way too often. I also remember Alex being a lot more talented than he is. But to my adult eyes, it seems like he's getting by more on luck than pure ability. Still they're great books with lots of action. I probably would only rate it 4 stars these days, but I'm going to stick with my original rating for posterity.
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Alex always gets the short end of the stick. I agree with him - I think he was outmaneuvered by M16 - Crawley planned it all. It all happened too neatly. But he gets to meet Sabina so that's cool. Maybe not worth it - but cool nonetheless. It sucks that they're willing to send him into danger but never tell him what he's going to be up against. But Alex has a lucky streak when it comes to missions, danger and bad guys. Hence the shark.
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Alex always gets the short end of the stick. I agree with him - I think he was outmaneuvered by M16 - Crawley planned it all. It all happened too neatly. But he gets to meet Sabina so that's cool. Maybe not worth it - but cool nonetheless. It sucks that they're willing to send him into danger but never tell him what he's going to be up against. But Alex has a lucky streak when it comes to missions, danger and bad guys. Hence the shark.