I read Incubus Dreams back in 2009 when I still was in the Navy. I was binge reading instead of reviewing books at that time. Well, I’m now going back through some of my series and re-reading books to review them finally. This will be my second time reading Incubus Dreams, and this time around, I realized that I found some things that bothered me when I read it. Don’t worry; I still enjoyed this book. I give my thoughts below on what I thought this time around, reading this book for the second time. I’m hoping not to spoil anything, especially for readers who have not yet read this book or series.
Storyline/My Thoughts: First off, this book is over 700+ pages long, so I took my time reading this the second time around. I felt this time, though; some parts in the book could have been taken out and maybe shorten the book a bit. I feel like this book was more on Anita’s relationship with some of the men in her life and took away from her Federal Marshall job identifying vampires that are killing in her town. I wanted more of Anita doing her actual job instead of dealing with the drama in her life. Don’t get me wrong, I love some of the male characters in her life and want to learn more about them—some of the characters I could do without in the series. (Richard, for one.) Anita does end up doing something unexpected with her vampire servant, Damien, and Nathaniel, bringing on more issues for her. Even Jean Claude is worried about Anita. Anita keeps forgetting that it’s not only her anymore that she has to take care of in this book. It’s going to take some time to learn, and hopefully, she does it fast.
I did enjoy getting to see another side of Nathaniel in this book. He has grown so much since he was first introduced. He’s starting to fight back in his own way to gain Anita’s attention. I mean, he is living with her. The one I could do without is Richard. Still, I’m not too fond of his character. He does a complete turnaround in this book, which is not expected. Anita is even blown away from it. She’s hesitant with him, and I would, too, after everything he has done to her. I still can’t trust Richard. His jealousy is always there, and it drives me crazy. There were a lot of changes happening in Anita’s life that were made aware in this book. It’s a lot to take in, so be prepared for a data dump. I’ve read the previous books, and Anita has changed dramatically from the first book to now, and it’s all because of the new powers she has gained.
Forewarning if you do not like a book with many sex scenes in it with more than two people involved, this book may bother you. This book is a reverse harem where Anita takes on more sexual partners or love interests, and it bothers her at first, but she does a complete turnaround in this book. This book is where Anita realizes she will need to feed the ardeur more often and also take on more sexual partners to help her.
This book doesn’t focus on the killings that Anita needs to focus on, but it does pick up towards the end of the book. Anita has to make hard decisions to save other people’s lives to find out who is behind it all.
I could go on and on, but my review would end up being a novel. Overall, I did enjoy this book, but it didn’t get five stars. It receives four stars. It took me longer to read this book due to certain scenes not grasping my attention like they did the first time around. It wasn’t only Richard driving me crazy, but Anita’s friend Ronnie who needs a good talking to after what happened in this book.
If there is one thing I love about Laurell K. Hamilton’s writing is her very straightforward writing style. She goes into a lot of details with her sex scenes and action-packed scenes. She is also a master at world-building. Each book grows more and more into the Anita Blake world and what she is constantly dealing with in her life. Poor Anita has to deal with so much, and she’s trying to keep up with it. I’m thankful she has Micah and Nathaniel to help her at home.
Storyline or Part of Series: It’s part of the Anita Blake series.
Steamy: Very HOT! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Would I recommend this book? Yes, if you have read previous books in the series and enjoy Urban Fantasy. Also, if you are a fan of Reverse Harem too, this series follows Anita and everyone she ends up gaining in her life. (work, personal relationships, etc.)
I can’t wait to dive into Micah’s book next. It’s been such a long time since I read it.